Sunday, August 31, 2008


This series is called Brollies after the British slang for umbrellas. I wanted to document the moment of extreme "FUCK-ITness" that comes from a realization that all urban dwellers have experienced at some point: The moment of recognition that a brutal combination of rain, wind and urban horror- when the umbrella blows inside out, snaps and is lost beyond repair- when you know that the only thing left to do is have tantrum and angrily fling the brolly to the ground and abandon it physically and emotionally. When I had such a moment which required nothing less than throwing my brolly disgustedly under a bus it became clear to me why there always seems to be discarded brollies all over the place after a storm. The truth and near rage of that moment seems powerful to me.

The following are the end result from brolly calamities in New York City, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris and London over the past couple of years.